Saturday, October 20, 2007

Been busy...but decided to update a little

Life sure has been busy lately. I don't think I've really had time to think much lately about anything let alone sit down and blog about it. But as a result a lot of really great things I could've blogged about will forever go unblogged. Oh well...I guess that happens occassionally, right?

So, I did it. I went in for my four hour psychology evaluation on Thursday. Yep... I'm officially going to find out if I have some of the things I've always thought I had, like depression and social anxiety issues. I was so drained by the end of the morning with all the doctors. They even wanted to speak to Abby privately for a half hour, and I can only imagine what she said to the social worker. I won't find out what they're reccomendations are until November, but in the meantime, I have started on a low dose of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication. Just by knowledge alone, I think I know what they'll be saying at my next meeting with them.

On a lighter note, we just had our Thanksgiving weekend recently and that seemed to go pretty well. I was a little more quiet than usual but I think that was only because my mum invited neighbors over to our family dinner, and I did not expect that. I wasn't aware strangers were coming to the meal.

It was weird seeing my older brother, Sean and his girls. I barely spoke to him. He doesn't really speak to me either, though. I rarely get calls from him on my birthday or Christmas. I have tried to reach out to him, and visited him and the girls in the little town where they live, but nothing really comes from those visits or that interaction, so now I've just kinda stopped care about it. I know that sounds bad of me, but if he doesn't want a relationship with me, I can't really force it on him.

As for church...well I'm going to try a new-to-me unity church and see what that's like. Apparently they are a little more laid back about beliefs and homosexuality. Maybe it'll be the right match for me. If not, I think I'll just start attending the unitarian church in town. I just need to get out and socialize somewhere. I feel so isolated these days. Especially now that Abby is going out with her friends more and more lately. I can only take the quietness of our house for so long before I go insane.

I feel so stupid saying that...I'm just a really quiet person in general. Honestly I think I've just forgotten what it's like to socialize with people. How do you forget something like that? I don't enjoy social situations at all, but part of me is beginning to crave that interaction and I know it's good for me to hang out with other folks and experience something new. But boy...I'm very nervous.


Chris Beason said...

Ran across your blog today...just wanted to let you know you can stop by my blog anytime. I have a few friends that are in your situation and of course friends that are strongly against it, but my thoughts are you're the only one who can work out your salvation. I can't tell you if you're right or wrong. I have a hard enough time figuring out if I'm right or wrong with my own life.

spiritbyrd said...

Thanks Annette I'm glad you found some of what I wrote interesting. I never know if anyone reads what I write or not. I'll be sure to hop on over to your blog soon enough and say "hi".