Thursday, November 1, 2007

100 Things About Me

So, I've seen this type of post at other blogsites and love reading through all the little tidbits people share about themselves, but then I started to think, could I really say 100 things about myself? I think it's a lot harder than you might think! Hope you enjoy this fluff posting and know I'll try and post something you can sink your teeth into next time.

1. I'm only 4'11'' tall.

2. I have Cerebral Palsy and a hearing impairment.

3. I am learning American Sign Language and feel like it's my "natural" language.

4. I'm very shy but enjoy long intimate talks with friends.

5. I have two furry children, but can't wait to be a mummy to human children.

6. I have a very long memory.

7. I pretend not to hear my wife when she has upset me, but this backfires because sometimes I actually can't hear her.

8. I have tried to keep a journal going since I was 14, but have always been unsuccessful.

9. I love to sing, but I sing poorly.

10. I snort when I laugh really hard and that just makes me laugh harder.

11. I almost always have cold feet when I go to bed.

12. I believe in true love.

13. I kissed a girl before I ever kissed a boy.

14. I hate the snow in winter, and I live in a place that gets snow every year. (I think about moving every January.)

15. I'm 29 years old and still afraid of large groups of teenagers.

16. When I was a kid, my best friend was my yellow lab, Taffy . I still think of her all the time.

17. I hate the holidays because that means I have to visit my family.

18. My favorite color is red-orange.

19. Everyday for the past six months, I've pictured Abby turning to me and telling me she loves me and wants to recommitt to us.

20. I used to own two houses but have sold them in the past two years.

21. I legally changed my name just after my 20th birthday.

22. I moved out of my mum's house two weeks before that.

23. I taught my youngest step-brother how to spell and write his name when he was three years old. (He is now almost 15.)

24. I received the Mathematics, Childcare, and Principal's awards when I graduated High School, but was told by my homeroom teacher than I could never go to college. It took me 10 years to get up the courage to take night classes.

25. I have midnight blue eyes, but everyone thinks they're brown when they first look at them.

26. When I was 14 I was baptized for the wrong reasons.

27. I have been mentally, physcially, sexually and emotional abused during my childhood.

28. I own a car, but I don't drive. I'm so afraid to learn.

29. I have had over a dozen operations in my life. I can't remember exactly how man anymore since they all just kind of blend together.

30. I have a screw in my leg big toe as a result of one of my surgeries from my middle school years.

31. I developed arthritis in my left foot when I worked as a cashier for three years.

32. I know that I could easily become housebound because I believe I am agoraphobic.

33. I am afraid of thunder and lightning storms.

34. I hate bras, and never like wearing one when I'm home.

35. I am pessimistic.

36. I took piano lessons in my younger years, and loved it. I want to take it up again soon.

37. I love aquafitness classes.

38. I truly believe in the Weight Watchers program, but I find it hard to believe I can do it just as well as anyone else.

39. I have slept with the same type of foam pillow for the past 15 years. (I replaced it once with a newly bought one.)

40. I took competitive swimming classes in high school and could have gone to the Paralympics if I'd just stuck with it.

41. Currently, my favorite T.V. show is Big Love with a close runner up for Dexter.

42. I was once a witch and practised witchcraft in my late youth.

43. I hate putting away clean clothes.

44. I must use closed captioning on the T.V., and hated having a mom that talked through every single movie when I was growing up. (I always missed have the movie because of it.)

45. I was carded two years ago when I tried to buy a lottery ticket from the pharmacy for Abby's birthday.

47. I have never been drunk or smoked pot.

48. I tried smoking cigarettes when I was a teen but thought it was stupid.

49. I have always wanted to live in a southern state.

50. I have never broken a bone, but have factured my big toe.

51. I finally learned to ride a bicycle when I was 18.

52. I am terrified of the dentist and have always had to go under for minor procedures.

53. My favorite kitchen implements is our crockpot. I would really love to find more great recipes!

54. I have an unnatural fascination with popping zits on other people. I know...gross. :P

55. My favorite potato chips are the Ruffles All Dressed.

56. I love watching the lights twinkle on Christmas trees.

57. I prefer soup over salad any day of the week.

58. I cried when President George W. Bush was re-elected.

59. I believe that the rumors about the North American Union are true.

60. People might think I'm a little crazy but I also believe, on day we really will have a pulse, and there will be mass chaos in our world.

61. When I was a kid, my favorite book was The Girl Who Owned a City by O.T. Nelson.

62. I think my favorite book now is The Mists of Avalon, but I haven't read Roots yet.

63. Currently, my favorite song is Dear Mr President by Pink.

64. My favorite band is Casting Crowns.

65. I lost a High School friend in when I told her I was gay. She refused to talk to me after that.

66. I love tubing in winter!

67. I find it sad that we don't really know our neighbors anymore like we use to.

68. When I was about 10 yrs old my mum told our neighbors I was going in for surgery the week of Hallowe'en, so I got to go trick or treating the week before with my friends and classmates.

69. I hate crowded buses, they make me feel claustrophobic, and I'm so afraid to get thrown forward when I have to stand up, but I'm too shy to ask for a seat, even though I am physically disabled.

70. During fourth grade, I wore a dress every Friday in hopes it would bring me good luck for the weekly spelling test.

71. Two months before we got married, our A/C broke, we spent the money we would've bought our rings with on a new air conditioner since we had renters. My sterling silver ring cost $15 and I hope one day, to buy the titanium silver rings we originally wanted.

72. I have always wanted to learn how to skate.

73. I pray for those who may be hurt whenever I see an ambulance go by when their lights are flashing.

74. I have moved six times in eight years and now I hate moving. We are still not all unpacked and have lived in this house since May.

75. I love to color when I'm watching T.V.

76. My favorite PC game is Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.

77. I love getting Christmas cards in the mail.

78. I have always wanted to buy my own little wooden nativity scene -- even before I came to know Christ.

79. I am really addicted to playing Brain Age 2.

80. I have one can of Coca-cola every day.

81. My favorite movie of all time will forever be The Color Purple though I do love Corrina, Corrina and Steel Magnolias, too.

82. I have parts of Color Purple memorized, and the movie makes me cry every single time.

83. If I had the chance to know how and when I was going to die, I would want to find out.

84. I made a promise to God that I would go to hell in Abby's place if she could go to heaven in mine.

85. I pick at my fingers nails when I'm nervous.

86. I believe dragons once existed .

87. I love kneeding bread.

88. I do my best thinking in a hot bath.

89. I have never been into fashion and think it's absolutely ridiculous that people care that much about what they wear.

90. I don't wear makeup and haven't since I was a young teenager.

91. I once threatened someone's life.

92. My best friend and I have only fought once in 25 years.

93. When I was 13, mum took my grandma and me on a road trip across Canada, I had to pee really badly that pulled off the road and found a secluded spot in the middle of a forest area for me. Just when I was squatting behind a tree, a construction worker started up his bobcat and drove right past me. I died with embarrassment!

94. I admire the Amish and wish I had the courage to live that way.

95. My biggest secret is something I only talk about with Abby.

96. I can still see images in big fluffy clouds like when I was a kid.

97. My first love was my now ex-step-brother, Kris.

98. If I could go back in time and change one moment in time, I know what moment I'd change.

99. My favorite number is 18.

100. My biggest fear is Abby will leave me and we will never have the family we dreamed of.